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The Agency Owner’s Guide to Winning More High-Quality Clients

October 20, 2022

If you're an agency owner, then you know that winning new clients is essential to your success. After all, without clients, you wouldn't have any revenue coming in! That's why we've put together this blog post outlining 6 strategies that have helped us win more business. These strategies are simple yet effective, and they can be used by any agency owner regardless of their experience level. So what are you waiting for? Start reading and put these strategies into action today!

1. Get Referrals from Current Clients

One of the best ways to win new clients is to get referrals from your current clients. After all, if they're happy with your work, then they'll be more than happy to refer you to their friends or colleagues. And the best part is that this method is completely free! So make sure you're staying in touch with your current clients and asking them for referrals when the time is right.

Below are some of the steps on how to approach your  clients for referrals:

Stay in touch with your clients regularly

Send them updates on your work, new projects you're working on, etc. This will keep you top of mind and make it more likely that they'll think of you when someone asks for a referral. Staying in touch can be as simple as sending a monthly email update or connecting with them on social media.

Ask for referrals at the end of each project.

Once a project is completed and your client is happy with the results, that's the perfect time to ask for a referral. Asking anytime sooner may come across as pushy or desperate which could lead to them saying no.

Make it easy for them to refer you

Give your clients your business card or an email template they can use to send referrals your way.  This will make it even easier for them to refer you and increase the chances that they'll do it. What we all need to understand is that business owners are typically extremely busy. Making it as easy as possible for them to refer you will go a long way.

2. Speak at Industry Events

Another great way to win new clients is to speak at industry events. This will help you gain exposure for your agency and show potential clients that you're an expert in your field. Plus, it's a great opportunity to network with other professionals in your industry. So start researching industry events that you can speak at and get your name out there!

This tip is a little bit more difficult in the beginning but it’s worth it once you get the hang of it. You will want to start by reaching out to the event planners of these events and letting them know that you would like to speak. After a while, they will start to see you as an expert in your field and offer you opportunities to speak without you even having to ask.

3. Write Guest Blog Posts

Writing guest blog posts is another excellent way to gain exposure for your agency and attract new clients. When you write a guest blog post, you're essentially getting free advertising for your business. Plus, it's a great opportunity to show off your expertise and build up your credibility. So start reaching out to popular blogs in your industry and see if they're interested in publishing one of your articles.

Make sure that the blogs you are reaching out have some traction before you spend too much time writing the article. You want to make sure that it’s worth your while and that you have a chance of getting in front of new people.

4. Cold Emailing

Cold emailing can be a great way to win new clients, but it's important to do it correctly. First, make sure you're only emailing people who would actually be interested in working with your agency. Second, keep your emails short and to the point. And finally, don't be afraid to follow up! If someone doesn't respond to your initial email, send them a second one a week or two later. Chances are they just got busy and forgot to reply back.

It's important not to SPAM as you could potentially get reported and this will do more harm than good. In fact, if too many people report your email as SPAM, your email provider could suspend your account or, all of your emails will go to the SPAM folder and we all know how often people check that. So make sure you're only emailing people who you think would be interested in working with you.

5. Networking

Networking is another tried-and-true method for winning new clients. When you network with other professionals, you're essentially expanding your reach and increasing the chances that someone will need your services. So make sure you're attending industry events and meeting as many people as possible! You never know when one of those connections will pay off down the road.

Networking is one of those things that can often take up quite a bit of time. You want to make sure you’re not just going to events and meeting people but that you’re also building relationships. These relationships are what will pay off in the long run, so don’t be afraid to put in the work!

6. Social Media

Last but not least, social media should also be part of your client-winning strategy. Social media is a great way to connect with potential clients and show them what your agency is all about. Plus, it's free marketing for your business! So make sure you're active on all the major social media platforms and using them to their full potential."

A recent study done by the Content Marketing Institute showed that social media is the most effective content marketing tactic, with 92% of respondents saying it’s somewhat or very effective.

Social media  should definitely be a part of your client-winning strategy. As you can see from the stat above, it’s an effective way to reach potential clients and show them what your agency is all about.

Start by being active on all the major social media platforms and using them to their full potential. If you need help getting started, contact us to help you along your journey.


These are just a few strategies that have helped us win more high-quality clients for our agency. If you want to win more business, then put these strategies into action today! And if you need help implementing any of these strategies or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime."

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