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Digital Marketing For Businesses: Strategies to Get Started

October 11, 2021

If you are completely new to digital marketing, this guide is for you. We're going to break it all down into actionable steps in this blog post. There's no need to feel lost or overwhelmed because we've got your back! We'll cover everything from getting started with a digital strategy, learning the basics of SEO and how social media can help grow your business.

Getting started with a digital strategy:

A digital strategy is essential for any business that is looking to grow online. The foundation of your digital marketing efforts begins with a strong strategy, which will help you define goals and create an actionable plan for success in the fast-paced world of online marketing. So how do you go about creating one?

First things first: identify what it is exactly that you are trying to accomplish with your digital media plans. What's your goal? It could be increasing website traffic or maybe boosting sales conversions on specific products - whatever it may be, make sure every objective has an accompanying metric so they can be measured against each other later down the line (for example: increase social media engagement by 20% over six months).

After setting measurable objectives, move on to identifying who your target is. Who are you trying to reach? Your target market is the foundation of your digital marketing efforts, so it's important to be as specific as possible.

Once these questions have been answered, research will need to take place in order for you to gain a better understanding of how your customers want to interact with both your brand and one another online. This stage can feel overwhelming because there are indeed thousands of ways that companies communicate with their audience across various social networks, email newsletters & print ads - however, don't let this overwhelm you! It's helpful here to think about what kinds of things you personally enjoy interacting with on social media. Trust us when we say each person has a unique voice whether they realize it or not - listen out for those voices and you can create messaging that resonates with your target market.

Once the research has been done and personas have been created, it's time to take everything we've learned about our audiences and develop a content plan that speaks directly to them. This is where creating buyer personas will come into play because having an understanding of who they are as individuals helps marketers figure out what their pain points are so they know how best to help solve those problems through relevant content marketing across various channels (blogs, social media & email newsletters).

At this point in your digital strategy creation process, think about what kind of budget you need for paid advertising campaigns - Google Adwords? Facebook Ads? Instagram Influencers? There are tons of ways to reach new customers which we will not describe here for the sake of time however, we can tell you that if your audience is already using a specific social network regularly, it's pretty safe to say there's at least one or two paid advertising options available on that platform.

Once this stage has been completed and all the pieces of your digital strategy puzzle have fallen into place, we recommend creating a digital marketing calendar because having everything in one central location will make things easier for both yourself and other members of your team who may be involved down the line. Don't forget: content marketing takes time so don't expect results overnight! It should work as part of your overall business plan rather than being treated as an afterthought which brings us nicely to our next point... Knowing where to start with SEO & Social

Learning the basics of SEO

The basics of SEO are easy to learn, but you'll need a basic understanding of how it works in order for your digital marketing efforts to be successful. Essentially, you need to know how to use keywords effectively in blog posts & web copy, as well as on your website.

One of the best ways we've found for learning about search engine optimization (SEO) is by simply diving right into a project that requires an understanding of this complex topic - whether you're starting from scratch or looking to improve upon what's already been done, there are plenty of tools out there which make managing citations across various directories. Once everything has been verified online, it's time to start monitoring those organic rankings via keyword rank tracking software. The good thing about starting with SEO is that you can expect to see results relatively quickly.

Once you've mastered the basics of SEO, it's time to get your social media channels in order because that's where most people spend their free time these days! Make sure all content that goes out across various platforms is relevant and helpful for customers/potential customers - they're spending more than enough time reading through what companies have already published so make yours stand out by providing something worth sharing with their network (and don't forget about influencer marketing). You'll need a Facebook page or Instagram account set up before getting started here but if this sounds like an overwhelming task, there are plenty of agencies who will do everything for you at a cost.

How social media can help grow your business

Social media is an immensely powerful marketing tool - it helps to build relationships with existing customers (and potential ones), while also providing the opportunity for companies to provide support/customer service in real-time.

As a general rule of thumb, you should always be posting content that your target audience can relate to and if possible, include links back to your website so users have the option of learning more.

In terms of paid social media ads, there are lots out there - from Facebook & Instagram Ads to Twitter Promoted Tweets/Accounts, however, not all offer the same level of targeting options. In other words: some networks allow for greater flexibility when it comes to reaching relevant people who may potentially engage with what you're promoting (this is where knowing how SEO works becomes extremely helpful). If you need an example to understand this point properly, consider looking at different types of adverts on each platform side by side e.g.


As you can see, digital marketing is a complex topic but there are plenty of resources out there to help beginners get started with their own campaigns. These strategies should simply serve as a starting point and by the time you're ready to consider your next step (and beyond), we hope that this guide has given you some good insight into how far-reaching the opportunities in this space truly are.

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